2025-2026 Early Childhood Open Enrollment We have officially kicked off our 2025-2026 Open Enrollment Campaign.
2025-2026 Early Childhood Community Network Funding Request St. John the Baptist Parish Community Network consist of five sites within our St. John the Baptist Parish Schools and twelve childcare centers. There is a need to expand to allow us to serve more children ages Birth to 5 in our parish. We are applying for additional seats using the Coordinated Funding Request Form issued by the Louisiana Department of Education. We ask that you review the form in its entirety and comment on the proposed funding request.Please email comments to [email protected]
2024-2025 Open Enrollment St. John the Baptist Parish Early Childhood Programs and Community Network kicks off the annual Open Enrollment Application Period for the 2024-2025 school year.
2024-2025 Preschool Kick Off We cordially invite all incoming preschoolers and prospective preschoolers to attend our annual Preschool Kick Off!
ECCN Coordinated Funding Request 24-25 St. John the Baptist Parish Community Network consist of five sites within our St. John the Baptist Parish Schools and five childcare centers. There is a need to expand to allow us to serve more children ages Birth to 5 in our parish. We are applying for additional seats using the Coordinated Funding Request Form issued by the Louisiana Department of Education. We ask that you review the form in its entirety and comment on the proposed funding request.Please email comments to [email protected]
22-23 Performance Profile Results Check out the recently released 22-23 Performance Profile Results for St. John the Baptist Parish.
School Communication with Parents and Students Please see the attached document that outlines how we will be communicating with you during the school closure.
2023-2024 Open Enrollment Applications for the 23-24 school year are currently being accepted. Please pick up an application from any Elementary School Site.
Preschool Celebration Has your child been accepting into one of our Early Childhood Programs? If so, join us in a celebration for what's to come. We invite you to join us July 29, 2023.
Open Enrollment Registration Join us on April 1, 2023, to register your child for the 23-24 school year.